Our services

Stz’uminus Emergency Program

Stz’uminus Emergency Program

The Program is administered under the authority of the Chief and Council of Stz’uminus First Nation.

Chief and Council have primary responsibility to ensure emergency management plans are in place, that training and exercising of the emergency system takes place, and that everyone in the community is aware of emergency response protocols. Community engagement is an important aspect of our program.

Emergency management in Stz’uminus is guided by four pillars: Mitigation, Preparation, Response and Recovery.


Stz’uminus First Nation thanks our partners at Penelakut Tribe and Halalt First Nation. We also acknowledge the contributions made by the Coast Salish Development Corporation, Cowichan Valley Regional District, the Municipality of North Cowichan, Emergency Management BC, Indigenous Services Canada, and North Oyster Fire Rescue. We gratefully recognize the constant support of Constable Glen Martin of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


Stz’uminus First Nation Emergency Management Program
Krista Perrault
Emergency Management Coordinator
Telephone: (250) 739-1468 or (250) 618-4257
5091 Jones Road – Building B
Ladysmith, B.C.


Cowichan Valley Emergency Notification Service

Cowichan Alert informs subscribers of major emergencies or disasters in the Cowichan region that may impact you. Signing up is easy and can be done from your mobile phone, tablet, or computer. There is no fee to sign up. Stz’uminus encourages all members and residents to sign up at alertable.ca/signup/Cowichan

The Pillars of Emergency Management

The Stz’uminus Emergency Management Program recognizes the four pillars of Emergency Management. Program activities are identified for each pillar:

Risk Mitigation
  • FireSmart Program
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • All-hazards Emergency Management Plan- Stzuminus All -hazards Emergency Management Plan
  • Communicable Disease Emergency Plan
  • Community Wildfire Protection Plan
  • Annual Report and Plan
  • Training Program
    • The Stz’uminus training and exercising program has included a marine spill response exercise, BC Hydro safety certification, table-top scenario exercises, wildfire fighting, and essential service provider meetings. Training includes a range of emergency management courses delivered by the Justice Institute.
  • Community Engagement
    • Community engagement by the Emergency Program has included information sessions on FireSmart, rapid damage assessment, environmental management, school and Elders sessions, and a communication program using door-to-door messaging, social media posts, and the distribution of literature.
Emergency Response
  • Community Access/Egress Plan
  • Guardian Program
  • Spill Response Plan
Post-incident Recovery
  • Recovery Plan